U.S. Department of State Commits up to $9 Billion to Restore Forests

正规博彩十大网站 will serve as Secretariat of this initiative 

发表: 2022年11月21日
类型: 新闻

华盛顿特区,2022年11月21日 - The United States intends to dedicate up to $9 billion of international climate funding through 2030 to help restore and preserve forests, 受制于国会拨款. 作为这一努力的一部分,美国政府正在采取行动.S. Department of State’s Office of Global Change announced last November it was launching the 森林的投资者 Club, a network of public and private financial institutions and investors, committed to accelerating investments in forest and nature.

The 正规博彩十大网站 (WBCSD) has formally assumed the role of Secretariat for the 森林的投资者 Club. Selected by the State Department’s Office of Global Change, WBCSD will play a leading role in the coordination and engagement with members of the 森林的投资者 Club to catalyze investments in forests and nature. 

扩大修复的地理范围, 保护, 可持续农业和林业, WBCSD will work with members of the 森林的投资者 Club to identify and facilitate access to a pipeline of investments in forests and nature and develop solutions to investment barriers and bottlenecks. 森林的投资者 Club also looks forward to working with the U.K. government and other leading governments to collaborate on our complementary initiatives that will unlock and scale investment opportunities across the globe.

“There is an urgent need to convene and mobilize the financial sector to develop innovative investment models and mechanisms that channel significant flows of capital towards investments that conserve, 改善管理, 恢复森林和自然,艾米·森特说, 导演, WBCSD, 领导秘书处的管理工作. “WBCSD is proud to serve as the Secretariat to oversee and ensure the success of the 森林的投资者 Club.”

自2021年首次亮相以来, 森林的投资者 Club members have made significant progress towards achieving the goals of this initiative with new funds and investments in 绿色基础设施 以及其他基于自然的解决方案. 成员的主要成就包括:

  • 苹果 has through its Restore Fund invested with three high-quality forestry managers in 巴西 and Paraguay to restore 150,000 acres of sustainably certified working forests and protect around 100,000英亩的原始森林, 草原, 和湿地. 在一起, these initial forestry projects are forecast to remove 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in 2025.
  • 新森林 announced the first close of the Tropical Asia Forest Fund 2 (TAFF2) to develop a diversified portfolio of sustainable forest plantation assets, 淡马锡投资1.2亿美元, 亚洲开发银行, 三井住友信托银行, TotalEnergies, 以及大卫和露西尔·帕卡德基金会.
  • Finnfund, BII和Norfund 启动了非洲林业影响平台(AFIP), 收于2亿美元, and aiming for over $500 million in investments in the next two-three years.
  • 美国发展金融公司(DFC) has committed over $147 million over the last year related to sustainable agriculture and forestry, 绿色基础设施, 以及其他基于自然的解决方案. DFC also established an internal working group to drive activity related to Natural 气候 Solutions (NCS). 
  • 授粉, along with Indus Delta Capital (IDC) and the Government of Sindh, 拥有台达蓝碳项目(DBC-1), 世界上最大的红树林恢复工程. DBC-1 has been operational for six years and has already restored more than 73,000 hectares of degraded mangrove forests and tidal wetlands. 碳增长伙伴, 微软, 托克, and Respira International purchased the first verified offsets generated by the pioneering program in transactions which could see up to three million carbon credits traded. The project will sequester an estimated 142 million tons of carbon dioxide over its 60-year lifetime.
  • 帆公司 closed three transactions totaling $50 million in value (one in the palm oil sector, 1只牛, 一个是谷物, specifically corn and soy) in sustainable agriculture and forest protection in Colombia, 巴西, 以及印度尼西亚. 在总, 这三个交易将保护超过250人,000公顷的热带森林, 支持企业加强100多家,000公顷退化的土地, 恢复到5以上,000公顷的天然林.

WBCSD intends to annually disclose the progress being made by the 森林的投资者 Club to restore and preserve forests.

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